This class includes:
The Big Picture of what’s going on now on Earth
What it means to move up to 5D, and the history behind it
What are some qualities of 3D, 4D and 5D
Some common symptoms some might be experiencing, and how to make the ride smoother
Tips on how to resonate more with 5D
A Heart Wall Release- to help you love yourself and others more…… and more!
Time: 1 1/2 Hours
Learn the tools, information and practices to attract the “Life of Your Dreams”
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Hard copy of the book for $15 with FREE shipping:
PLEASE NOTE: Upon successful completed purchasing of this book, it will be shipped to the address provided through Paypal. IT should arrive within 3-5 days.Instant download of my 100 page E-Book “Keys to Unlocking The Law of Attraction” in easy to read PDF format. Only $9.00
PLEASE NOTE: Upon successful completion of purchasing my book, PayPal should automatically take you to my download page. If PayPal asks you where you would like to go, please select “Back to Your Essential Happiness Life Coaching” It will take you to a page that will make access to my book very easy!!Services
Each coaching appointment is based on your individual needs and mutually agreed-upon tools. How often we work together is based on your needs and how motivated you are to make happy thinking a lifestyle choice. Our client/coach relationship will provide you with a safe, secure, and confidential space to discover your inner peace, enlightenment and happiness from within!
I work primarily by phone but offer in-person consultations within a certain geographical area.

Susan Finley, Life Coach
Please join me for a 1 hour COACHING SESSION.
I work primarily by phone but offer in-person consultations within a certain geographical area. You must agree to the “New Client Agreement” prior to coaching. To view CLICK HERE.
The price for a 1 hour session is $55.00.
Please join me for a 1/2 hour ANGEL CARD or SOUL CARD reading!
Empower yourself and be guided with messages from your Divine Team: Messages from the Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, your Spirit Guides and your Soul. These messages will assist you greatly in bringing healing and happiness in your daily life!
The price for a 1/2 hour is only $30.
Please join me for a HEALING CODE SESSION
The Healing Code is one of the most powerful, yet simple healing tools you can learn… in assisting in your own healing and others’ healing too! You will receive print -outs before the session. If you desire, my session(s) you must agree to the “New Client agreement” prior to the Healing Code Session. To view CLICK HERE.
The cost is $33.00 per session, or 4 sessions for $100.00.